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Causes of Eczema

There are so many "triggers" which cause or worsen eczema symptoms.

Causes of Eczema

By greenherbal at 2008-10-06 08:13:07
There are so many "triggers" which cause or worsen eczema symptoms. In fact, what may cause eczema in one person may have no effect on another. It is often difficult for someone suffering from eczema to determine what actually cuasing is their symptoms to begin with. This makes it terribly difficult to determine how to fix the problem. Fortunately there are a few common techniques that are used to treat eczema regardless of the cause.

The medical causes of eczema are categorized under internal and external factors. The internal factors are heredity, food and stress. In cases of heredity, a family history of eczema, asthma or hay fever leads to eczema. If both parents have eczema, there is an 80 per cent chance that their children will acquire the disease. Food products includes dairy and wheat, acidic fruits, eggs, nuts, seafood, chemical food additives, preservatives and colorings. Emotional stress is known to aggravate the condition. Reducing stress can significantly help minimize the problem.

There are different types of eczemas. The types can be described by location where it affects, by possible causes or by specific appearance. Some of the common reasons for eczema are allergic tendencies, dietary habits, any prescribed drug intake, and any chemical or material exposure at or near to your home or working place. Some people have a few episodes of Eczema in their lives, for others it is a life long disease.

Firstly, there are several different types of eczema and accordingly there is a range of causes and triggers. Atopic eczema is considered to be genetically related and is therefore thought to be a hereditary condition. Most forms of eczema are at least in part, due environmental factors to which the body overreacts to. The condition is an auto immune disease in which the immune system produces and excessive response to harmless allergens or mild concentrations of chemicals and detergents. Case of eczema in children is not adequately dealt with in this article but it is further explained.

All the different types of eczema have symptoms and causes that are different from a type of eczema to another, but the differences are slight. Here are the eczema types that one can have. First there is the allergic to contact eczema. This eczema develops when you make contact with some substances or even chemicals that irritate your skin and thus produce an allergic reaction. So you can see where the name allergic eczema comes from. Usually, this eczema appears on the site of the contact but it is possible that it spereads to other areas as well.

Stasis eczema or venous eczema is caused due to faulty blood circulation in the legs. Those who have varicose veins are prone to get stasis eczema. In the legs, the muscles pump the blood back when you walk. Because of defective valves, when the blood is not pumped back, it gets accumulated in the legs causing varicose veins. It also causes eczema. This eczema is also known as gravitational eczema.

Lack of good quality nutrients on a regular and consistent basis is one of the causes of eczema. You see if you feed the body well it will self heal and eliminate all minor skin problems including eczema, dry skin rash and allergies. You are guaranteed to receive your body’s desperately required nutrients by increasing your intake of raw foods every single day. Say to about 50%. 65% is even better but you can work up to that.

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